/******************************************************************************* Updates to Margo Schlanger, Trends in Prisoner Litigation, as the PLRA Enters Adulthood, 5 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 153 (2015) Part 1a: Reformatting Federal Judicial Center (FJC) Integrated Database (IDB) of Civil Cases Filed and/or Terminated in Federal District Court, Statistical Year 1970 through Fiscal Year 2021 Updated: April 21, 2021 *******************************************************************************/ /* The FJC Civil IDB is published in two parts on the FJC website. The first part includes all cases filed and/or terminated between Statistical Year (SY) 1970 and SY 1987, available for download at the following link: https://www.fjc.gov/research/idb/civil-cases-filed-and-terminated-sy-1970-through-sy-1987. The second part includes all cases filed and/or terminated (or pending as of the date listed on the FJC website) between SY 1988 and Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 -- though as of this writing (i.e., April 21, 2021), the IDB contains data up to December 31, 2020, which means data for FY 2021 is incomplete. This file is available at the following link: https://www.fjc.gov/research/idb/civil-cases-filed-terminated-and-pending-sy-1988-present. SY1970-SY1987 Data Downloaded: Oct. 1, 2019; Uploaded by FJC Jan. 18, 2017 SY1988-FY2021 Data Downloaded: Mar. 2, 2021; Uploaded by FJC Feb. 11, 2021 *******************************************************************************/ global project "C:\Users\gmarquez\Box\Empirical Research Service\Margo Schlanger\Empirical Research Service\Federal Judicial Center IDB" ******************************************************************************** clear cd "$project\Raw Data\Civil Cases" /* Notes: The following command will take several minutes. "stringcols" command is instructing Stata to import particular case ID variables as strings. These variables include: 1.Circuit, 2.District, 3.Office, and 4.Docket */ import delimited "Civil 1970 to 1987.txt", varnames(1) stringcols(1 2 3 4) clear local stringvars "filedate county termdate fdateuse tdateuse" foreach x of local stringvars { rename `x' `x'_1970 } save "FJC Civil 1970-1987.dta", replace /* Notes: The following command will take several minutes. "stringcols" command is instructing Stata to import particular case ID variables as strings. These variables include: 1.Circuit, 2.District, 3.Office, and 4.Docket */ import delimited "cv88on.txt", varnames(1) stringcols(1 2 3 4) clear save "FJC Civil 1988-present.dta", replace clear append using "FJC Civil 1970-1987.dta" "FJC Civil 1988-present.dta" tostring county, gen(county_string) replace county_string=county_1970 if county_string=="." & !missing(county_1970) drop county county_1970 rename county_string county replace termdate=termdate_1970 if missing(termdate) & !missing(termdate_1970) drop termdate_1970 rename termdate termdate_string gen termdate=date(termdate_string, "MDY") order termdate, after(termdate_string) format termdate %td replace filedate=filedate_1970 if missing(filedate) drop filedate_1970 rename filedate filedate_string gen filedate=date(filedate_string, "MDY") order filedate, after(filedate_string) format filedate %td drop filedate_string *Note: filing date used by AO is formatted "YYMM" in the 1970 file tostring fdateuse_1970, gen(fdateuse1970_string) gen int fdu1970year = real(substr(fdateuse1970_string,1,2)) order fdu1970year, after(fdateuse1970_string) gen fdu1970year2=fdu1970year+1900 order fdu1970year2, after(fdu1970year) gen int fdu1970month = real(substr(fdateuse1970_string,3,2)) order fdu1970month, after(fdu1970year) gen fdu1970day=01 if !missing(fdateuse_1970) order fdu1970day, after(fdu1970month) gen fdu1970=mdy(fdu1970month, fdu1970day, fdu1970year2) if !missing(fdateuse_1970) order fdu1970, after(fdu1970day) format fdu1970 %td gen fdateuse1988=date(fdateuse, "MDY") order fdateuse1988, after(fdateuse) format fdateuse1988 %td replace fdateuse1988=fdu1970 if missing(fdateuse1988) & !missing(fdu1970) drop fdateuse_1970 fdateuse1970_string fdu1970year fdu1970year2 fdu1970month /// fdu1970day fdu1970 fdateuse rename fdateuse1988 fdateuse *Note: termination date used by AO is formatted "YYMM" in the 1970 file tostring tdateuse_1970, gen(tdateuse1970_string) gen int tdu1970year = real(substr(tdateuse1970_string,1,2)) order tdu1970year, after(tdateuse1970_string) gen tdu1970year2=tdu1970year+1900 order tdu1970year2, after(tdu1970year) gen int tdu1970month = real(substr(tdateuse1970_string,3,2)) order tdu1970month, after(tdu1970year) gen tdu1970day=01 if !missing(tdateuse_1970) order tdu1970day, after(tdu1970month) gen tdu1970=mdy(tdu1970month, tdu1970day, tdu1970year2) if !missing(tdateuse_1970) order tdu1970, after(tdu1970day) format tdu1970 %td gen tdateuse1988=date(tdateuse, "MDY") order tdateuse1988, after(tdateuse) format tdateuse1988 %td replace tdateuse1988=tdu1970 if missing(tdateuse1988) & !missing(tdu1970) drop tdateuse_1970 tdateuse1970_string tdu1970year tdu1970year2 tdu1970month /// tdu1970day tdu1970 tdateuse rename tdateuse1988 tdateuse rename transdat transdat_string gen transdat=date(transdat_string, "MDY") order transdat, after(transdat_string) format transdat %td rename djoined djoined_string gen djoined=date(djoined_string, "MDY") order djoined, after(djoined_string) format djoined %td drop djoined_string rename pretrial pretrial_string gen pretrial=date(pretrial_string, "MDY") order pretrial, after(pretrial_string) format pretrial %td drop pretrial_string rename tribegan tribegan_string gen tribegan=date(tribegan_string, "MDY") order tribegan, after(tribegan_string) format tribegan %td drop tribegan_string rename trialend trialend_string gen trialend=date(trialend_string, "MDY") order trialend, after(trialend_string) format trialend %td drop trialend_string /*Variables denoting fiscal year of case filing date. Note: FJC fiscal years begin on October 1 of the previous calendar year and end on September 30. */ gen fyfile=. label var fyfile "Fiscal year of filing date using 'filedate' (e.g., FY93 = 01Oct92-30Sep93)" forvalues i=1930/2020 { replace fyfile=`i' if filedate>=td(01oct`=`i'-1') & filedate<=td(30sep`i') } gen fyfilepub=. label var fyfilepub "Fiscal year of filing date using 'fdateuse' (e.g., FY93 = 01Oct92-30Sep93)" forvalues i=1930/2020 { replace fyfilepub=`i' if fdateuse>=td(01oct`=`i'-1') & fdateuse<=td(30sep`i') } /*Variables denoting fiscal year of case termination date. */ gen fyterm=. label var fyterm "Fiscal year of termination date using 'termdate' (e.g., FY93 = 01Oct92-30Sep93)" forvalues i=1959/2020 { replace fyterm=`i' if termdate>=td(01oct`=`i'-1') & termdate<=td(30sep`i') } gen fytermpub=. label var fytermpub "Fiscal year of termination date using 'tdateuse' (e.g., FY93 = 01Oct92-30Sep93)" forvalues i=1959/2020 { replace fytermpub=`i' if tdateuse>=td(01oct`=`i'-1') & tdateuse<=td(30sep`i') } /* Nature of Suit (NOS) Summary Recode */ gen nossum=. replace nossum=1 if nos==110 | nos==120 | nos==130 | nos==140 /// | nos==151 | nos==190 | nos==196 | nos==220 replace nossum=2 if nos==160 | nos==240 | nos==310 | nos==320 | nos==330 /// | nos==340 | nos==350 | nos==360 | nos==362 | nos==370 | nos==371 /// | nos==380 replace nossum=3 if nos==195 | nos==245 | nos==315 | nos==345 | nos==355 /// | nos==365 | nos==367 | nos==368 | nos==385 replace nossum=4 if nos==400 | nos==440 | nos==441 | nos==443 | nos==444 /// | nos==446 | nos==448 | nos==950 replace nossum=5 if nos==442 | nos==445 replace nossum=6 if nos==550 | nos==555 replace nossum=7 if nos==710 | nos==720 | nos==730 | nos==740 | nos==751 /// | nos==790 | nos==791 | nos==191 | nos==361 | nos==750 replace nossum=8 if nos==375 | nos==376 | nos==410 | nos==430 | nos==450 /// | nos==470 | nos==480 | nos==485 | nos==490 | nos==610 | nos==810 /// | nos==820 | nos==830 | nos==835 | nos==840 | nos==850 | nos==860 /// | nos==861 | nos==862 | nos==863 | nos==864 | nos==865 | nos==870 /// | nos==871 | nos==875 | nos==890 | nos==891 | nos==892 | nos==893 /// | nos==894 | nos==895 | nos==900 | nos==192 replace nossum=9 if nos==150 | nos==152 | nos==153 | nos==193 /// | nos==210 | nos==620 | nos==625 | nos==630 | nos==640 | nos==650 /// | nos==660 | nos==690 | nos==970 | nos==981 replace nossum=10 if nos==510 | nos==520 | nos==530 | nos==535 | nos==540 /// | nos==560 replace nossum=11 if nos==422 | nos==423 | nos==940 replace nossum=12 if nos==460 | nos==461 | nos==462 | nos==463 | nos==465 replace nossum=13 if nos==-8 | nos==230 | nos==290 | nos==896 | nos==899 /// | nos==910 | nos==920 | nos==930 | nos==990 | nos==992 | nos==999 /// | nos==100 | nos==420 | nos==421 | nos==880 /// /* Unknown NOS: */ /// | nos==42 | nos==50 | nos==112 | nos==114 | nos==122 | nos==125 /// | nos==141 | nos==170 | nos==241 | nos==341 | nos==351 | nos==390 /// | nos==416 | nos==451 | nos==511 | nos==531 | nos==711 | nos==876 /// | nos==971 | nos==991 label var nossum "Nature of Suit summary recode; made with 'nos'" #delimit ; label define nossumlabel 1 "Contract (1)" 2 "Torts (Nonproduct) (2)" 3 "Product Liability (3)" 4 "Civil Rights (4)" 5 "Civil Rights Employment (5)" 6 "Inmate Civil Rights (6)" 7 "Labor and Employment (7)" 8 "Statutory Actions (8)" 9 "U.S. Plaintiff (9)" 10 "Habeas, Other Quasi-Criminal (10)" 11 "Bankruptcy (11)" 12 "Immigration (12)" 13 "Other (13)", replace; #delimit cr label values nossum nossumlabel /* Unknown NOS variable */ gen unk_nos=0 replace unk_nos=1 if nos==42 | nos==50 | nos==112 | nos==114 | nos==122 /// | nos==125 | nos==141 | nos==170 | nos==241 | nos==341 | nos==351 /// | nos==390 | nos==416 | nos==451 | nos==511 | nos==531 | nos==711 /// | nos==876 | nos==971 | nos==991 label var unk_nos "Dichotomous variable: 1 if NOS code meaning is unknown; 0 otherwise; from 'nos'" /* Creating Different Disposition Variables (codes changed over time): */ gen disp70=disp if tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1978 label var disp70 "Disposition codes for SY70-SY78; from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define disp70label 0 "Transferred to another district (0)" 1 "Default judgment (1)" 2 "Consent judgment (2)" 3 "Dismissed for want of prosecution (3)" 4 "Dismissed by action of parties (4)" 5 "Remanded to state court (5)" 6 "Judgment for plaintiff (6)" 7 "Judgment for defendant (7)" 8 "Judgment for both or other party (8)" 9 "Outcome unknown" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY72 - SY78) (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values disp70 disp70label /* Note: Four pilot districts in 1986 were treated with the disposition codes that were eventually adopted in all districts in 1987. Therefore, 'disp79' excludes those four districts in 1986 while 'disp87' includes them during the same year. NB: There is a typo on p. 18 of the 1970-87 IDB codebook that describes the four pilot districts. The Western District of Missouri -- not Michigan -- is the fourth pilot district, as explained in the "Special Notes" section on p. 6 of the codebook. */ gen disp79=disp if tapeyear>=1979 & tapeyear<=1986 replace disp79=. if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ label var disp79 "Disposition codes for SY79-SY86 (excl EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86); from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define disp79label 0 "Transferred to another district (0)" 1 "Remanded (1)" 2 "Dismissed for want of prosecution (2)" 3 "Dismissed discont settld w/drawn (3)" 4 "Judgment on default (4)" 5 "Judgment on consent (5)" 6 "Judgment on motion before trial (6)" 7 "Judgment on jury verdict (7)" 8 "Judgment on directed verdict (8)" 9 "Judgment on court trial (9)" 10 "Judgment on other (10)" 11 "Statistical closing (11)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values disp79 disp79label /* Note: AO changed the meaning of disposition code 16 from "Judgment on trial de novo after arbitration" to "Stayed pending bankruptcy" in 2005. To avoid confusion, any instance of disposition code 16 on or after tapeyear 2005 is converted to disposition code 21, which is not a real code recognized by AO. In addition, variable 'disp05' displays the disposition codes as originally entered by AO with appropriate labels. */ gen disp87=disp if tapeyear>=1987 replace disp87=disp if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ replace disp87=21 if tapeyear>=2005 & disp87==16 label var disp87 "Disposition codes for SY87-Present (plus EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86); from disp" #delimit ; label define disp87label 0 "Transferred to another district (0)" 1 "Remanded to state court (1)" 2 "Dismissed for want of prosecution (2)" 3 "Dismissed for lack of jurisdiction (3)" 4 "Judgment on default (4)" 5 "Judgment on consent (5)" 6 "Judgment on motion before trial (6)" 7 "Judgment on jury verdict (7)" 8 "Judgment on directed verdict (8)" 9 "Judgment on court trial (9)" 10 "Multi-district litigation transfer (10)" 11 "Remanded to us agency (11)" 12 "Dismissed: voluntarily (12)" 13 "Dismissed: settled (13)" 14 "Dismissed: other (14)" 15 "Judgment on award of arbitrator (15)" 16 "Judgment on trial de novo after arbtrt (16)" 17 "Judgment on other (17)" 18 "Statistical closing (18)" 19 "[MJ] appeal: decision affirmed (19)" 20 "[MJ] appeal: decision reversed (20)" 21 "Stayed pending bankruptcy (21)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY72 - SY78) (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values disp87 disp87label gen disp05=disp if tapeyear>=2005 label var disp05 "Original disposition codes for FY05-Present; from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define disp05label 0 "Transferred to another district (0)" 1 "Remanded to state court (1)" 2 "Dismissed for want of prosecution (2)" 3 "Dismissed for lack of jurisdiction (3)" 4 "Judgment on default (4)" 5 "Judgment on consent (5)" 6 "Judgment on motion before trial (6)" 7 "Judgment on jury verdict (7)" 8 "Judgment on directed verdict (8)" 9 "Judgment on court trial (9)" 10 "Multi-district litigation transfer (10)" 11 "Remanded to US agency (11)" 12 "Dismissed: voluntarily (12)" 13 "Dismissed: settled (13)" 14 "Dismissed: other (14)" 15 "Judgment on award of arbitrator (15)" 16 "Stayed pending bankruptcy (16)" 17 "Judgment on other (17)" 18 "Statistical closing (18)" 19 "[MJ] appeal: decision affirmed (19)" 20 "[MJ] appeal: decision reversed (20)" -8 "Missing (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values disp05 disp05label order disp70 disp79 disp87 disp05, after(disp) /* Nature of Judgment Summary variable */ gen nojsum=. replace nojsum=0 if noj==-8 | noj==0 replace nojsum=1 if noj==1 | noj==2 replace nojsum=3 if noj==3 replace nojsum=4 if noj==4 replace nojsum=5 if noj==5 | noj==6 replace nojsum=-9 if tapeyear<1979 | tapeyear==2099 label var nojsum "Nature of judgment summary; from 'noj'" #delimit ; label define nojsumlabel 0 "No award coded" 1 "Money award" 3 "Injunction" 4 "Forfeiture, ect." 5 "Costs, with or w/o attorneys fees" -9 "Data not reliably collected this tapeyear", replace; #delimit cr label values nojsum nojsumlabel /* No Judgment Summary variable */ gen nojudsum=0 replace nojudsum=-8 if tapeyear<1979 replace nojudsum=1 if tapeyear>=1979 & tapeyear!=2099 /// & disp79!=0 & disp79!=1 & disp79!=11 replace nojudsum=1 if tapeyear>=1979 & tapeyear!=2099 /// & disp87!=0 & disp87!=1 & disp87!=10 & disp87!=11 & disp87!=18 & disp87!=21 label var nojudsum "No judgment summary: whether case proceeded to final judgment; from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define nojudsumlabel 0 "Does not proceed to final judgment (0)" 1 "Proceeds to final judgment (1)" -8 "Data not collected (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values nojudsum nojudsumlabel /* Creating Judgment Summary variable */ gen jforsum=1 if judgment==1 | judgment==3 replace jforsum=2 if judgment==2 replace jforsum=4 if judgment==4 | disp87==18 replace jforsum=-9 if tapeyear<1979 label var jforsum "Judgment For Summary: who the judgment in the case is for; from 'judgment'" #delimit ; label define jforsumlabel 1 "Plaintiff or both (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 4 "Unknown or missing (4)" -9 "Data not collected this tapeyear (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values jforsum jforsumlabel /* Creating Outcome Total variable */ gen outctot=-1 replace outctot=-8 if tapeyear<1979 replace outctot=0 if nojudsum==0 replace outctot=1 if disp79==2 /// | disp79==3 & (jforsum==2 | jforsum==4) /// | disp79==4 & jforsum==2 /// | disp79==6 & jforsum==2 /// | disp79==10 & jforsum==2 /// | disp79==10 & jforsum!=1 replace outctot=1 if disp87==2 /// | disp87==3 /// | disp87==14 & jforsum!=1 /// | disp87==4 & jforsum==2 /// | disp87==6 & jforsum==2 /// | (disp87==19 | disp87==20) & jforsum==2 /// | disp87==17 & jforsum!=1 replace outctot=2 if disp79==4 & jforsum==1 /// | disp79==6 & jforsum==1 /// | disp79==10 & jforsum==1 /// | disp87==4 & jforsum==1 /// | disp87==6 & jforsum==1 /// | (disp87==19 | disp87==20) & jforsum==1 /// | (disp87==17 | disp87==14) & jforsum==1 replace outctot=3 if disp87==15 & jforsum==1 replace outctot=4 if disp87==15 & jforsum==2 replace outctot=5 if disp79==4 & jforsum==4 /// | disp79==6 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) /// | disp87==4 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) /// | disp87==6 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) /// | disp87==19 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) /// | disp87==20 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) replace outctot=6 if disp87==12 replace outctot=7 if disp79==5 /// | disp87==5 /// | disp79==3 & jforsum==1 /// | disp87==13 replace outctot=8 if jforsum==2 & (disp79==7 | disp87==7) replace outctot=9 if jforsum==1 & (disp79==7 | disp87==7) replace outctot=10 if jforsum==4 & (disp79==7 | disp87==7) /// | jforsum==-9 & (disp79==7 | disp87==7) replace outctot=11 if jforsum==1 & (disp79==8 | disp87==8) replace outctot=12 if jforsum==4 & (disp79==8 | disp87==8) /// | jforsum==-9 & (disp79==8 | disp87==8) replace outctot=13 if jforsum==2 & (disp79==8| disp87==8) replace outctot=14 if jforsum==2 & (disp79==9 | disp87==9) /// | jforsum==2 & disp87==16 replace outctot=15 if jforsum==1 & (disp79==9 | disp87==9) /// | jforsum==1 & disp87==16 replace outctot=16 if jforsum==4 & (disp79==9 | disp87==9) /// | jforsum==-9 & (disp79==9 | disp87==9) /// | disp87==16 & (jforsum==4 | jforsum==-9) replace outctot=17 if tapeyear==2099 label var outctot "Outcome total: groups case outcomes; from 'disp' & 'jforsum'" #delimit ; label define outctotlabel -8 "Data Not Reliably Collected (-8)" -1 "Missing (-1)" 0 "Non-judgment Disposition (0)" 1 "Pretrial Defense Victory (1)" 2 "Pretrial Plaintiffs Victory (2)" 3 "Arbitration Appeal, Plaintiffs Victory (3)" 4 "Arbitration Appeal, Defense Victory (4)" 5 "Pretrial Resolution, Unknown Victor (5)" 6 "Voluntary Dismissal (6)" 7 "Settled (7)" 8 "Jury Verdict for Defendant (8)" 9 "Jury Verdict for Plaintiff (9)" 10 "Jury Verdict for Unknown Party (10)" 11 "Directed Verdict for Plaintiff (11)" 12 "Directed Verdict for Unknown Party (12)" 13 "Directed Verdict for Defendant (13)" 14 "Bench Verdict for Defendant (14)" 15 "Bench Verdict for Plaintiff (15)" 16 "Bench Verdict for Unknown Party (16)" 17 "Still Pending (17)", replace; #delimit cr label values outctot outctotlabel /* Creating Outcome Summary variable, based on 'outctot' */ gen outsum=-8 if outctot==-8 | outctot==-1 replace outsum=-1 if outctot==17 replace outsum=0 if outctot==0 replace outsum=1 if outctot==1 replace outsum=2 if outctot==6 replace outsum=3 if outctot==7 replace outsum=4 if outctot==8 | outctot==9 | outctot==10 | outctot==11 /// | outctot==12 | outctot==13 | outctot==14 | outctot==15 | outctot==16 replace outsum=5 if outctot==3 | outctot==4 | outctot==5 replace outsum=6 if outctot==2 label var outsum "Outcome summary: summarizes 'outctot' as one of 7 possibilities" #delimit ; label define outsumlabel -8 "Data Not Collected (-8)" -1 "Pending (-1)" 0 "Nonjudgment Disposition (0)" 1 "Pretrial Defense Victory (1)" 2 "Voluntary Dismissal (2)" 3 "Settled (3)" 4 "Trial (4)" 5 "Other (5)" 6 "Pretrial Plaintiff Win (6)", replace; #delimit cr label values outsum outsumlabel /* Creating a state variable */ gen state=. /* Alabama */ replace state=1 if district=="26" | district=="27" | district=="28" /* Alaska */ replace state=2 if district=="7-" /* Arizona */ replace state=3 if district=="70" /* Arkansas */ replace state=4 if district=="60" | district=="61" /* California */ replace state=5 if district=="71" | district=="72" | district=="73" | district=="74" /* Colorado */ replace state=6 if district=="82" /* Connecticut */ replace state=7 if district=="05" /* Delaware */ replace state=8 if district=="11" /* District of Columbia */ replace state=9 if district=="90" /* Florida */ replace state=10 if district=="29" | district=="3A" | district=="3C" /* Georgia */ replace state=11 if district=="3E" | district=="3G" | district=="3J" /* Hawaii */ replace state=12 if district=="75" /* Idaho */ replace state=13 if district=="76" /* Illinois */ replace state=14 if district=="52" | district=="53" | district=="54" /* Indiana */ replace state=15 if district=="55" | district=="56" /* Iowa */ replace state=16 if district=="62" | district=="63" /* Kansas */ replace state=17 if district=="83" /* Kentucky */ replace state=18 if district=="43" | district=="44" /* Louisiana */ replace state=19 if district=="3L" | district=="3N" | district=="36" /* Maine */ replace state=20 if district=="00" /* Maryland */ replace state=21 if district=="16" /* Massachusetts */ replace state=22 if district=="01" /* Michigan */ replace state=23 if district=="45" | district=="46" /* Minnesota */ replace state=24 if district=="64" /* Mississippi */ replace state=25 if district=="37" | district=="38" /* Missouri */ replace state=26 if district=="65" | district=="66" /* Montana */ replace state=27 if district=="77" /* Nebraska */ replace state=28 if district=="67" /* Nevada */ replace state=29 if district=="78" /* New Hampshire */ replace state=30 if district=="02" /* New Jersey */ replace state=31 if district=="12" /* New Mexico */ replace state=32 if district=="84" /* New York */ replace state=33 if district=="06" | district=="07" | district=="08" | district=="09" /* North Carolina */ replace state=34 if district=="17" | district=="18" | district=="19" /* North Dakota */ replace state=35 if district=="68" /* Ohio */ replace state=36 if district=="47" | district=="48" /* Oklahoma */ replace state=37 if district=="85" | district=="86" | district=="87" /* Oregon */ replace state=38 if district=="79" /* Pennsylvania */ replace state=39 if district=="13" | district=="14" | district=="15" /* Rhode Island */ replace state=40 if district=="03" /* South Carolina */ replace state=41 if district=="20" /* South Dakota */ replace state=42 if district=="69" /* Tennessee */ replace state=43 if district=="49" | district=="50" | district=="51" /* Texas */ replace state=44 if district=="39" | district=="40" | district=="41" | district=="42" /* Utah */ replace state=45 if district=="88" /* Vermont */ replace state=46 if district=="10" /* Virginia */ replace state=47 if district=="22" | district=="23" /* Washington */ replace state=48 if district=="80" | district=="81" /* West Virginia */ replace state=49 if district=="24" | district=="25" /* Wisconsin */ replace state=50 if district=="57" | district=="58" /* Wyoming */ replace state=51 if district=="89" /* Territories (PR, VI, CZ, GM, NMI) */ /* Puerto Rico */ replace state=52 if district=="04" /* Virgin Islands */ replace state=52 if district=="91" /* Canal Zone */ replace state=52 if district=="92" /* Guam */ replace state=52 if district=="93" /* Northern Mariana Islands */ replace state=52 if district=="94" label var state "Numerical variable for state in which case was filed" #delimit ; label define statelabel 1 "Alabama (1)" 2 "Alaska (2)" 3 "Arizona (3)" 4 "Arkansas (4)" 5 "California (5)" 6 "Colorado (6)" 7 "Connecticut (7)" 8 "Delaware (8)" 9 "District of Columbia (9)" 10 "Florida (10)" 11 "Georgia (11)" 12 "Hawaii (12)" 13 "Idaho (13)" 14 "Illinois (14)" 15 "Indiana (15)" 16 "Iowa (16)" 17 "Kansas (17)" 18 "Kentucky (18)" 19 "Louisiana (19)" 20 "Maine (20)" 21 "Maryland (21)" 22 "Massachusetts (22)" 23 "Michigan (23)" 24 "Minnesota (24)" 25 "Mississippi (25)" 26 "Missouri (26)" 27 "Montana (27)" 28 "Nebraska (28)" 29 "Nevada (29)" 30 "New Hampshire (30)" 31 "New Jersey (31)" 32 "New Mexico (32)" 33 "New York (33)" 34 "North Carolina (34)" 35 "North Dakota (35)" 36 "Ohio (36)" 37 "Oklahoma (37)" 38 "Oregon (38)" 39 "Pennsylvania (39)" 40 "Rhode Island (40)" 41 "South Carolina (41)" 42 "South Dakota (42)" 43 "Tennessee (43)" 44 "Texas (44)" 45 "Utah (45)" 46 "Vermont (46)" 47 "Virginia (47)" 48 "Washington (48)" 49 "West Virginia (49)" 50 "Wisconsin (50)" 51 "Wyoming (51)" 52 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, GM, NMI) (52)", replace; #delimit cr label values state statelabel order state, after(office) decode state, gen(state_string) split state_string, parse(" (") replace state_string1="Territories (PR, VI, CZ, GM, NMI)" if state==52 rename state_string1 state_label_string drop state_string state_string2 state_string3 label var state_label_string "State name as a string variable" /* Creating District Numerical and String Variables */ gen distnum=. replace distnum=0 if district=="00" replace distnum=10 if district=="01" replace distnum=20 if district=="02" replace distnum=30 if district=="03" replace distnum=40 if district=="04" replace distnum=50 if district=="05" replace distnum=60 if district=="06" replace distnum=70 if district=="07" replace distnum=80 if district=="08" replace distnum=90 if district=="09" replace distnum=100 if district=="10" replace distnum=110 if district=="11" replace distnum=120 if district=="12" replace distnum=130 if district=="13" replace distnum=140 if district=="14" replace distnum=150 if district=="15" replace distnum=160 if district=="16" replace distnum=170 if district=="17" replace distnum=180 if district=="18" replace distnum=190 if district=="19" replace distnum=200 if district=="20" replace distnum=220 if district=="22" replace distnum=230 if district=="23" replace distnum=240 if district=="24" replace distnum=250 if district=="25" replace distnum=260 if district=="26" replace distnum=270 if district=="27" replace distnum=280 if district=="28" replace distnum=290 if district=="29" replace distnum=300 if district=="3A" replace distnum=310 if district=="3C" replace distnum=320 if district=="3E" replace distnum=330 if district=="3G" replace distnum=340 if district=="3J" replace distnum=350 if district=="3L" replace distnum=355 if district=="3N" replace distnum=360 if district=="36" replace distnum=370 if district=="37" replace distnum=380 if district=="38" replace distnum=390 if district=="39" replace distnum=400 if district=="40" replace distnum=410 if district=="41" replace distnum=420 if district=="42" replace distnum=430 if district=="43" replace distnum=440 if district=="44" replace distnum=450 if district=="45" replace distnum=460 if district=="46" replace distnum=470 if district=="47" replace distnum=480 if district=="48" replace distnum=490 if district=="49" replace distnum=500 if district=="50" replace distnum=510 if district=="51" replace distnum=520 if district=="52" replace distnum=530 if district=="53" replace distnum=540 if district=="54" replace distnum=550 if district=="55" replace distnum=560 if district=="56" replace distnum=570 if district=="57" replace distnum=580 if district=="58" replace distnum=600 if district=="60" replace distnum=610 if district=="61" replace distnum=620 if district=="62" replace distnum=630 if district=="63" replace distnum=640 if district=="64" replace distnum=650 if district=="65" replace distnum=660 if district=="66" replace distnum=670 if district=="67" replace distnum=680 if district=="68" replace distnum=690 if district=="69" replace distnum=700 if district=="70" replace distnum=710 if district=="71" replace distnum=720 if district=="72" replace distnum=730 if district=="73" replace distnum=740 if district=="74" replace distnum=750 if district=="75" replace distnum=760 if district=="76" replace distnum=770 if district=="77" replace distnum=780 if district=="78" replace distnum=785 if district=="7-" replace distnum=790 if district=="79" replace distnum=800 if district=="80" replace distnum=810 if district=="81" replace distnum=820 if district=="82" replace distnum=830 if district=="83" replace distnum=840 if district=="84" replace distnum=850 if district=="85" replace distnum=860 if district=="86" replace distnum=870 if district=="87" replace distnum=880 if district=="88" replace distnum=890 if district=="89" replace distnum=900 if district=="90" replace distnum=910 if district=="91" replace distnum=920 if district=="92" replace distnum=930 if district=="93" replace distnum=940 if district=="94" label var distnum "Numerical version of 'district' with labels" #delimit ; label define districtlabel 0 "Maine - 00 (0)" 10 "Massachusetts - 01 (10)" 20 "New Hampshire - 02 (20)" 30 "Rhode Island - 03 (30)" 40 "Puerto Rico - 04 (40)" 50 "Connecticut - 05 (50)" 60 "New York - Northern - 06 (60)" 70 "New York - Eastern - 07 (70)" 80 "New York - Southern - 08 (80)" 90 "New York - Western - 09 (90)" 100 "Vermont - 10 (100)" 110 "Delaware - 11 (110)" 120 "New Jersey - 12 (120)" 130 "Pennsylvania - Eastern - 13 (130)" 140 "Pennsylvania - Middle - 14 (140)" 150 "Pennsylvania - Western - 15 (150)" 160 "Maryland - 16 (160)" 170 "North Carolina - Eastern - 17 (170)" 180 "North Carolina - Middle - 18 (180)" 190 "North Carolina - Western - 19 (190)" 200 "South Carolina - 20 (200)" 220 "Virginia - Eastern - 22 (220)" 230 "Virginia - Western - 23 (230)" 240 "West Virginia - Northern - 24 (240)" 250 "West Virginia - Southern - 25 (250)" 260 "Alabama - Northern - 26 (260)" 270 "Alabama - Middle - 27 (270)" 280 "Alabama - Southern - 28 (280)" 290 "Florida - Northern - 29 (290)" 300 "Florida - Middle - 3A (300)" 310 "Florida - Southern - 3C (310)" 320 "Georgia - Northern - 3E (320)" 330 "Georgia - Middle - 3G (330)" 340 "Georgia - Southern - 3J (340)" 350 "Louisiana - Eastern - 3L (350)" 355 "Louisiana - Middle - 3N (355)" 360 "Louisiana - Western - 36 (360)" 370 "Mississippi - Northern - 37 (370)" 380 "Mississippi - Southern - 38 (380)" 390 "Texas - Northern - 39 (390)" 400 "Texas - Eastern - 40 (400)" 410 "Texas - Southern - 41 (410)" 420 "Texas - Western - 42 (420)" 430 "Kentucky - Eastern - 43 (430)" 440 "Kentucky - Western - 44 (440)" 450 "Michigan - Eastern - 45 (450)" 460 "Michigan - Western - 46 (460)" 470 "Ohio - Northern - 47 (470)" 480 "Ohio - Southern - 48 (480)" 490 "Tennessee - Eastern - 49 (490)" 500 "Tennessee - Middle - 50 (500)" 510 "Tennessee - Western - 51 (510)" 520 "Illinois - Northern - 52 (520)" 530 "Illinois - Central - 53 (530)" 540 "Illinois - Southern - 54 (540)" 550 "Indiana - Northern - 55 (550)" 560 "Indiana - Southern - 56 (560)" 570 "Wisconsin - Eastern - 57 (570)" 580 "Wisconsin - Western - 58 (580)" 600 "Arkansas - Eastern - 60 (600)" 610 "Arkansas - Western - 61 (610)" 620 "Iowa - Northern - 62 (620)" 630 "Iowa - Southern - 63 (630)" 640 "Minnesota - 64 (640)" 650 "Missouri - Eastern - 65 (650)" 660 "Missouri - Western - 66 (660)" 670 "Nebraska - 67 (670)" 680 "North Dakota - 68 (680)" 690 "South Dakota - 69 (690)" 700 "Arizona - 70 (700)" 710 "California - Northern - 71 (710)" 720 "California - Eastern - 72 (720)" 730 "California - Central - 73 (730)" 740 "California - Southern - 74 (740)" 750 "Hawaii - 75 (750)" 760 "Idaho - 76 (760)" 770 "Montana - 77 (770)" 780 "Nevada - 78 (780)" 785 "Alaska - 7- (785)" 790 "Oregon - 79 (790)" 800 "Washington - Eastern - 80 (800)" 810 "Washington - Western - 81 (810)" 820 "Colorado - 82 (820)" 830 "Kansas - 83 (830)" 840 "New Mexico - 84 (840)" 850 "Oklahoma - Northern - 85 (850)" 860 "Oklahoma - Eastern - 86 (860)" 870 "Oklahoma - Western - 87 (870)" 880 "Utah - 88 (880)" 890 "Wyoming - 89 (890)" 900 "District of Columbia - 90 (900)" 910 "Virgin Islands - 91 (910)" 920 "Canal Zone - 92 (920)" 930 "Guam - 93 (930)" 940 "Northern Mariana Islands - 94 (940)", replace; #delimit cr label values distnum districtlabel order distnum, after(district) decode distnum, gen(district_string) split district_string, parse(" - 0" " - 1" " - 2" " - 3" " - 4" " - 5" " - 6" " - 7" " - 8" " - 9") rename district_string1 district_label_string drop district_string district_string2 label var district_label_string "District name as a string variable" /* Adding jurisdiction labels */ #delimit ; label define jurislabel 1 "U.S. Plaintiff (1)" 2 "U.S. Defendant (2)" 3 "Federal Question (3)" 4 "Diversity of Citizenship (4)" 5 "Local Question (territorial districts only) (5)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values juris jurislabel /* Adding Nature of Suit Labels */ #delimit ; label define noslabel 110 "Insurance (110)" 120 "Marine Contract Actions (120)" 130 "Miller Act (130)" 140 "Negotiable Instruments (140)" 150 "Overpayments & Enforcement of Judgments (150)" 151 "Overpayments under the Medicare Act (151)" 152 "Recovery of Defaulted Student Loans (152)" 153 "Recovery of Overpayments of Vet Benefits (153)" 160 "Stockholder’s Suits (160)" 190 "Other Contract Actions (190)" 195 "Contract Product Liability (195)" 196 "Contract Franchise (196)" 210 "Land Condemnation (210)" 220 "Foreclosure (220)" 230 "Rent, Lease, Ejectment (230)" 240 "Torts to Land (240)" 245 "Tort Product Liability (245)" 290 "Other Real Property Actions (290)" 310 "Airplane Personal Injury (310)" 315 "Airplane Product Liability (315)" 320 "Assault, Libel, and Slander (320)" 330 "Federal Employers’ Liability (330)" 340 "Marine Personal Injury (340)" 345 "Marine - Product Liability (345)" 350 "Motor Vehicle Personal Injury (350)" 355 "Motor Vehicle Product Liability (355)" 360 "Other Personal Injury (360)" 362 "Medical Malpractice (362)" 365 "Personal Injury - Product Liability (365)" 367 "Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical (367)" 368 "Asbestos Personal Injury - Prod.Liab. (368)" 370 "Other Fraud (370)" 371 "Truth In Lending (371)" 375 "False Claims Act (375)" 380 "Other Personal Property Damage (380)" 385 "Property Damage -Product Liability (385)" 400 "State Re-Apportionment (400)" 410 "Antitrust (410)" 422 "Bankruptcy Appeals Rule 28 USC 158 (422)" 423 "Bankruptcy Withdrawal 28 USC 157 (423)" 430 "Banks And Banking (430)" 440 "Other Civil Rights (440)" 441 "Civil Rights Voting (441)" 442 "Civil Rights Jobs (442)" 443 "Civil Rights Accommodations (443)" 444 "Civil Rights Welfare (444)" 445 "Civil Rights, ADA Employment (445)" 446 "Civil Rights, ADA Other (446)" 448 "Civil Rights, Education (448)" 450 "Interstate Commerce (450)" 460 "Deportation (460)" 462 "Naturalization, Petition For Hearing of Denial (462)" 463 "Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee (463)" 465 "Other Immigration Actions (465)" 470 "Civil (RICO) (470)" 480 "Consumer Credit (480)" 490 "Cable/Satellite TV (490)" 510 "Prisoner Petitions -Vacate Sentence (510)" 520 "Parole Board Review (520)" 530 "Prisoner Petitions -Habeas Corpus (530)" 535 "Habeas Corpus: Death Penalty (535)" 540 "Prisoner Petitions -Mandamus and Other (540)" 550 "Prisoner - Civil Rights (550)" 555 "Prisoner - Prison Condition (555)" 560 "Civil Detainee (560)" 610 "Agricultural Acts (610)" 620 "Food and Drug Acts (620)" 625 "Drug Related Seizure of Property (625)" 630 "Liquor Laws (630)" 640 "Railroad and Trucks (640)" 650 "Airline Regulations (650)" 660 "Occupational Safety/Health (660)" 690 "Other Forfeiture and Penalty Suits (690)" 710 "Fair Labor Standards Act (710)" 720 "Labor/Management Relations Act (720)" 730 "Labor/Management Report & Disclosure (730)" 740 "Railway Labor Act (740)" 751 "Family and Medical Leave Act (751)" 790 "Other Labor Litigation (790)" 791 "Employee Retirement Income Security Act (791)" 810 "Selective Service (810)" 820 "Copyright (820)" 830 "Patent (830)" 840 "Trademark (840)" 850 "Securities, Commodities, Exchange (850)" 860 "Social Security (860)" 861 "Medicare (861)" 862 "Black Lung (862)" 863 "D.I.W.C./D.I.W.W. (863)" 864 "S.S.I.D. (864)" 865 "R.S.I. (865)" 870 "Tax Suits (870)" 871 "IRS 3rd Party Suits 26 USC 7609 (871)" 875 "Customer Challenge 12 USC 3410 (875)" 890 "Other Statutory Actions (890)" 891 "Agricultural Acts (891)" 892 "Economic Stabilization Act (892)" 893 "Environmental Matters (893)" 894 "Energy Allocation Act (894)" 895 "Freedom of Information Act of 1974 (895)" 896 "Arbitration (896)" 899 "APA/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision (899)" 900 "Appeal of Fee - Equal Access to Justice (900)" 910 "Domestic Relations (910)" 920 "Insanity (920)" 930 "Probate (930)" 940 "Substitute Trustee (940)" 950 "Constitutionality of State Statutes (950)" 990 "Other (990)" 992 "Local Jurisdictional Appeal (992)" 999 "Miscellaneous (999)" /* Following labels were missing from codebook: */ 100 "Indemnity of Admiralty Cases (100)" 112 "Unknown (112)" 114 "Unknown (114)" 122 "Unknown (122)" 125 "Unknown (125)" 141 "Unknown (141)" 170 "Unknown (170)" 191 "Employee Relations (191)" 192 "State Fair Trade Act (192)" 193 "Hospital Care Act (193)" 241 "Unknown (241)" 341 "Unknown (341)" 351 "Unknown (351)" 361 "Workman's Compensation (Industrial Accident Board) (361)" 376 "Unknown (376)" 390 "Unknown (390)" 416 "Unknown (416)" 420 "Trustee (420)" 421 "Transfer (915b) (421)" 451 "Unknown (451)" 461 "Deportation - Review (461)" 485 "Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) (485)" 511 "Unknown (511)" 531 "Unknown (531)" 711 "Unknown (711)" 750 "Welfare Pension Plan Disclosure" 835 "Patent - Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) (835)" 876 "Unknown (876)" 880 "Review of Enforcement (880)" 970 "NARA, Title III (970)" 971 "Unknown (971)" 991 "Unknown (991)", replace; #delimit cr label values nos noslabel /* Adding origin labels */ #delimit ; label define originlabel 1 "Original proceeding (1)" 2 "Removed from state court (2)" 3 "Remanded from appellate court (3)" 4 "Reinstated or reopened (4)" 5 "Transferred from another district (5)" 6 "Multi-district litigation (Transfer by order of Panel for Multi-district Litigation) (6)" 7 "Appeal of magistrate judgment to a district judge (since SY81) (7)" 8 "2nd reopening (since SY83) (8)" 9 "3rd reopening (since SY83) (9)" 10 "4th reopening (since SY83) (10)" 11 "5th reopening (since SY83) (11)" 12 "6th reopening (since SY83) (12)" 13 "Multi-district litigation originating in the district (since FY17) (13)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values origin originlabel gen residenc_string=string(residenc) order residenc_string, after(residenc) gen resplain70=substr(residenc_string,1,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 replace resplain70="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 replace resplain70="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 gen resdef70=substr(residenc_string,2,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 replace resdef70="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 replace resdef70="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1976 gen resplain77=substr(residenc_string,1,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 replace resplain77="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 replace resplain77="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 gen resdef77=substr(residenc_string,2,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 replace resdef77="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 replace resdef77="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1977 & tapeyear<=1984 gen resplain85=substr(residenc_string,1,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1985 replace resplain85="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1985 replace resplain85="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1985 gen resdef85=substr(residenc_string,2,1) if length(residenc_string)==2 /// & residenc_string!="-8" & tapeyear>=1985 replace resdef85="-8" if residenc_string=="-8" & tapeyear>=1985 replace resdef85="-9" if length(residenc_string)==1 & tapeyear>=1985 drop residenc_string destring resplain70 resdef70 resplain77 resdef77 resplain85 resdef85, replace order resplain70 resdef70 resplain77 resdef77 resplain85 resdef85, after(residenc) #delimit ; label define res70label 1 "Resident of your state (1)" 2 "Non-resident corporation doing business in state (2)" 3 "Non-resident corporation not doing business in your state (3)" 4 "Other non-resident of your state (4)" -8 "Missing, out-of-range, or N/A (i.e., non-diversity cases) (-8)" -9 "Single digit code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values resplain70 res70label label values resdef70 res70label #delimit ; label define res77label 1 "Citizen of this state OR Citizen or resident business of this state (1)" 2 "Incorporated this state OR Non-resident business incorporated in this state (2)" 3 "Foreign corporation--principal place of business in __ OR Foreign business corporation, inc in another state (3)" 4 "Other non-citizen of this state (4)" -8 "Missing, out-of-range, or N/A (i.e., non-diversity cases) (-8)" -9 "Single digit code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values resplain77 res77label label values resdef77 res77label #delimit ; label define res85label 1 "Citizen of this state (1)" 2 "Citizen of another state (2)" 3 "Citizen or subject of a foreign country (3)" 4 "Incorporated or principal place of business in this state (4)" 5 "Incorporated and principal place of buisness in another state (5)" 6 "Foreign nation (6)" -8 "Missing, out-of-range, or N/A (i.e., non-diversity cases) (-8)" -9 "Single digit code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values resplain85 res85label label values resdef85 res85label /* Adding Class Action labels */ #delimit ; label define classactlabel 0 "No allegation of class action made (0)" 1 "Allegation of class action (1)" 2 "Allegation dismissed (2)" 3 "Allegation affirmed (3)" -8 "Missing or Out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY70-SY72) (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values classact classactlabel /* Creating procedural progress variables for different time periods */ gen procprog70=. replace procprog70=procprog if tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1975 gen procprog76=. replace procprog76=procprog if tapeyear>=1976 & tapeyear<=1986 replace procprog76=. if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ gen procprog87=. replace procprog87=procprog if tapeyear>=1987 replace procprog87=procprog if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ order procprog70 procprog76 procprog87, after(procprog) #delimit ; label define procprog70label 0 "Land condemnation cases (0)" 1 "No issue - no action (1)" 2 "No issue - action (2)" 3 "Issue, no pretrial - no action (3)" 4 "Issue, no pretrial - action (4)" 5 "Pretrial but no trial (5)" 6 "Terminated during court trial (6)" 7 "Terminated during jury trial (7)" 8 "Judgment after court trial (8)" 9 "Judgment after jury trial (9)" -8 "Out-of-range (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values procprog70 procprog70label #delimit ; label define procprog76label 0 "Other (0)" 1 "Before issue joined (1)" 2 "After motion decided but before issue joined (2)" 3 "Issue joined, no other court action (3)" 4 "Issue joined, and after judgment of court on motion (4)" 5 "Issue joined, and after pretrial conference but before trial (5)" 6 "During court trial (6)" 7 "During jury trial (7)" 8 "After court trial (8)" 9 "After jury trial (9)" -8 "Out-of-range (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values procprog76 procprog76label #delimit ; label define procprog87label 1 "Before issue joined, no court action (1)" 2 "Before issue joined, order entered (2)" 3 "After issue joined, no court action (3)" 4 "After issue joined, judgment on motion (4)" 5 "After issue joined, pretrial conference held (5)" 6 "After issue joined, during court trial (6)" 7 "After issue joined, during jury trial (7)" 8 "After issue joined, after court trial (8)" 9 "After issue joined, after jury trial (9)" 10 "After issue joined, other (10)" 11 "Before issue joined, hearing held (11)" 12 "Before issue joined, motion decided (12)" 13 "Request for trial de novo after arbitration (13)" -8 "Out-of-range, Missing, or Pending (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values procprog87 procprog87label /* Creating nature of judgment variables */ gen noj70=noj if tapeyear>=1970 & tapeyear<=1975 gen noj79=noj if tapeyear>=1979 & tapeyear<=1986 replace noj79=. if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ gen noj87=noj if tapeyear>=1987 replace noj87=noj if tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66" /* Missouri - Western */ order noj70 noj79 noj87, after(noj) #delimit ; label define noj70label 0 "No judgment entered (0)" 1 "Money (1)" 2 "Money and other (2)" 3 "Injunction (3)" 4 "Other, foreclosure, condemnation, HEW remand, divorce (4)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values noj70 noj70label #delimit ; label define noj79label 0 "No monetary award (0)" 1 "Monetary award only (1)" 2 "Monetary award and other (2)" 3 "Injuction (3)" 4 "Other, foreclosure, condemnation, remand, etc. (4)" 5 "Costs only (5)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values noj79 noj79label #delimit ; label define noj87label 0 "No monetary award (0)" 1 "Monetary award only (1)" 2 "Monetary award and other (2)" 3 "Injunction (3)" 4 "Forfeiture, foreclosure, condemnation, etc. (4)" 5 "Costs only (5)" 6 "Costs and attorney fees (6)" -8 "Missing or out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values noj87 noj87label /* Adding judgment labels */ #delimit ; label define judgmentlabel 0 "Missing (0)" 1 "Plaintiff (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 3 "Both (3)" 4 "Unknown (4)" -8 "Missing (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY70-SY78) (-9)", replace; label values judgment judgmentlabel; #delimit cr /* Adding magistrate involvment labels */ #delimit ; label define magisinvlabel 1 "Consent of parties to magis judgment w/ appeal directly to US Court of Appeals (1)" 2 "Consent of parties to magis judgment w/ appeal to US district court (2)" 3 "Special master reference (3)" 4 "All pretrial matters, including dispositive motions (4)" 5 "Report and recommendation on dispositive motions (5)" 6 "All pretrial matters, except dispositive motions (6)" 7 "Full pretrial/settlement conferences (7)" 8 "Non-dispositive motions (8)" 9 "No involvement of magistrate (9)" -8 "Out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY70-SY80, SY86-SY87) (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values magisinv magisinvlabel #delimit ; label define otherinvlabel 1 "Arbitrator (1)" 2 "Land commissioner (2)" 3 "Special master (3)" 4 "Other (4)" 5 "No involvement other than judge or magistrate (5)" -8 "Out-of-range (-8)" -9 "Data not collected (SY70-SY80, SY86-SY87) (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values otherinv otherinvlabel label var jury "Jury Demand: indicates the party/parties demanding jury trial" gen jury_num=. label var jury_num "Numberical version of 'jury' with labels" order jury_num, after(jury) replace jury_num=1 if jury=="B" replace jury_num=2 if jury=="D" replace jury_num=3 if jury=="P" replace jury_num=4 if jury=="N" replace jury_num=-8 if jury=="-8" replace jury_num=-9 if !missing(jury) & missing(jury_num) #delimit ; label define jurylabel 1 "Both plaintiff and defendant demand jury (1)" 2 "Defendant demants jury (2)" 3 "Plaintiff demands jury (3)" 4 "Neither plaintiff nor defendant demands jury (4)" -8 "Missing (-8)" -9 "Unknown code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values jury_num jurylabel label var arbit "Arbitration at filing: used only in Formal Arbitration Program" gen arbit_num=. label var arbit_num "Numerical version of 'arbit' with labels" order arbit_num, after(arbit) replace arbit_num=1 if arbit=="M" replace arbit_num=2 if arbit=="V" replace arbit_num=3 if arbit=="E" replace arbit_num=4 if arbit=="Y" replace arbit_num=-8 if arbit=="-8" replace arbit_num=-9 if !missing(arbit) & arbit_num!=1 & arbit_num!=2 /// & arbit_num!=3 & arbit_num!=4 & arbit_num!=-8 #delimit ; label define arbitlabel 1 "Mandatory (1)" 2 "Voluntary (2)" 3 "Exempt (3)" 4 "Yes, but type unknown (4)" -8 "Missing (-8)" -9 "Unknown code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values arbit_num arbitlabel label var mdldock "Multidistrict Litigation Docket Number" label var plt "Original variable: plaintiff name(s) for tape years 1988-Present" label var def "Original variable: defendant name(s) for tape years 1988-Present" label var transdat "Transfer date: date papers recvd in recving dist for transferred case" label var transdat_string "Transfer date as a string variable; equivalent to 'transdat'" label var transoff "Transfer office: office number of the district losing the case" label var transdoc "Transfer docket number: docket number of case in losing district" label var transorg "Transfer origin: origin number of case in losing district" label var termdate "Termination date: date district court received final judgment" label var termdate_string "Termination date as a string variable; equivalent to 'termdate'" label var tdateuse "Termination date AO used to determine 'tapeyear' (SY 1970-91, FY 1992*-Present)" label var trclact "Termination class action: indicates case involving allegations of class action" #delimit ; label define trclactlabel 2 "Denied (2)" 3 "Granted (3)" -8 "Missing (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values trclact trclactlabel label var djoined "[No Longer Used] Date issue joined" label var pretrial "[No Longer Used] Pretrial conference date" label var tribegan "[No Longer Used] Trial began date" label var trialend "[No Longer Used] Trial end date" label var trmarb "Arbitration at termination" gen trmarb_num=. label var trmarb_num "Numerical version of 'trmarb' with labels" order trmarb_num, after(trmarb) replace trmarb_num=1 if trmarb=="M" replace trmarb_num=2 if trmarb=="V" replace trmarb_num=3 if trmarb=="E" replace trmarb_num=-8 if trmarb=="-8" replace trmarb_num=-9 if !missing(trmarb) & trmarb_num!=1 & trmarb_num!=2 /// & trmarb_num!=3 & trmarb_num!=-8 #delimit ; label define trmarblabel 1 "Mandatory (1)" 2 "Voluntary (2)" 3 "Exempt (3)" -8 "Missing (-8)" -9 "Unknown code entered (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values trmarb_num trmarblabel label var prose "Pro Se legal representation - Blank in records posted before Oct. 1995" #delimit ; label define proselabel 0 "No Pro Se plaintiffs of defendants (0)" 1 "Pro Se plaintiffs, but no Pro Se defendants (1)" 2 "Pro Se defendants, but no Pro Se plaintiffs (2)" 3 "Both Pro Se plaintiffs and defendants (3)" -8 "Missing (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values prose proselabel label var ifp "Fee Status (In Forma Pauperis)" gen ifp_num=. label var ifp_num "Numerical version of 'ifp' with labels" order ifp_num, after(ifp) replace ifp_num=1 if ifp=="FP" replace ifp_num=2 if ifp=="-8" #delimit ; label define ifplabel 1 "In Forma Pauperis (IFP case) (1)" 2 "Not IFP case (2)", replace; #delimit cr label values ifp_num ifplabel label var statuscd "Status Code (Pending or Terminated)" gen statuscd_num=. label var statuscd_num "Numerical version of 'statuscd' with labels" order statuscd_num, after(statuscd) replace statuscd_num=1 if statuscd=="S" replace statuscd_num=2 if statuscd=="L" #delimit ; label define statuslabel 1 "Pending record (1)" 2 "Terminated record (2)", replace; #delimit cr label values statuscd_num statuslabel label var circuit "Circuit in which case was filed" label var office "Code for office within district where case was filed" label var district "Code for district court in which case was filed" label var docket "Case docket no. from clerk office: 1st 2 digits filing cal year; next 5 case no." label var juris "U.S. district court jurisdiction code" label var nos "Nature of Suit code" label var origin "Code describing manner in which case was filed" label var residenc "Citizenship code of all parties involved in case: see 'resplain' & 'resdef' vars" label var resplain70 "Plaintiff citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY70-SY76" label var resdef70 "Defendant citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY70-SY76" label var resplain77 "Plaintiff citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY77-SY84" label var resdef77 "Defendant citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY77-SY84" label var resplain85 "Plaintiff citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY85-Present" label var resdef85 "Defendant citizenship: numerical version of 'residenc' for SY85-Present" label var classact "Whether complaint meets Class Action prereq. in Rule 23 - F.R.CV.P." label var termjudg "[Blank on public files] Code for judge assigned at time of disposition" label var filejudg "[Blank on public files] Code for judge to whom case originally assigned" label var demanded "Monetary amount demanded in thousands- rounded (<$500 is 1; >=$10K is 9999)" label var filemag "[Blank on public files] Code for magistrate judge to whom case orig referred" label var casename "Original variable: litigant names for tape years 1970-1987" label var disp "Disposition codes [Codes changed meaning over time; see 'disp'70-05]" label var termmag "[Blank on public files] Code for magistrate judge assigned at disposition" label var procprog "Procedural progress [Codes changed meaning over time; see 'procprog'70-87]" label var procprog70 "Procedural progress at termination SY70-SY75; from 'procprog'" label var procprog76 "Procedural progress at term SY76-SY86 (excl EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86)" label var procprog87 "Procedural progress at term SY87-Present (plus EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86)" label var noj "Nature of judgment code [Codes changed meaning over time; see 'noj'70-87]" label var noj70 "Nature of judgment code SY70-SY78; from 'noj'" label var noj79 "Nature of judgment code SY79-SY86 (excl EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86)" label var noj87 "Nature of judgment code SY87-Present (plus EDPA,NDTX,MDFL,WDMO in SY86)" label var amtrec "Dollar amount received in thousands" label var judgment "Party receiving favor of judgment (if disposed by entry of final judgment)" label var magisinv "Magistrate involvement level [Tape years 1970-1987]" label var otherinv "Involvement of persons other than judge/magistrate [Tape years 1970-1987]" label var tapeyear "AO data reporting year from 'tdateuse' (SY used 1970-91; FY used 1992*-Present)" label var filedate "Date on which case filed in district court" label var fdateuse "Filing date AO used if reporting statistics based on SY/FY of filing" label var titl "Title; this field is optional" label var section "Section; this field is optional" label var subsect "Subsection; this field is optional" /* Re-labeling Circuit for Current 11th Circuit Districts before the split in 1981 Nine federal districts in the Fifth Circuit split from the Fifth Circuit and created the Eleventh Circuit in October 1981. These districts include NDAL, MDAL, SDAL, NDFL, MDFL, SDFL, NDGA, MDGA, and SDGA. The following code replaces the value for the 'circuit' variable for any cases from these nine districts prior to 1982. */ replace circuit="11" if circuit!="11" & (state==1 | state==10 | state==11) /* Class Allegation summary recode variable*/ gen class_allegation=0 replace class_allegation=1 if classact==1 | classact==2 | classact==3 /// | trclact==1 | trclact==2 | trclact==3 replace class_allegation=. if tapeyear<1974 label var class_allegation "Class action allegation: recode based on 'classact' and 'trclact'" #delimit ; label define classalleglabel 0 "No class action allegation, or missing (0)" 1 "Class action allegation (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values class_allegation classalleglabel /* Class action resolution summary recode variable */ /* Note: The IDB codebook states that 'classact' must be equal to 1 in order for 'trclact' to have a value of 2, 3, or -8, but there are thousands of cases that have a value of 'trclact' and a value of -8 of 'classact'. */ gen class_result=trclact replace class_result=1 if (classact==1 | classact==2 | classact==3) /// & (trclact!=1 & trclact!=2 & trclact!=3) replace class_result=. if tapeyear<1974 replace class_result=0 if (classact==-8 | classact==0) & tapeyear>1973 /// & trclact!=2 & trclact!=3 label var class_result "Class action resolution: recode based on 'trclact' and 'classact'" #delimit ; label define classresultlabel 0 "No class allegation known (0)" 1 "Allegation made, outcome unknown (1)" 2 "Allegation dismissed (2)" 3 "Allegation affirmed (3)", replace; #delimit cr label values class_result classresultlabel /* Docket year variable */ gen docketyear2=substr(docket,1,2) gen docketyear2copy=docketyear2 destring docketyear2copy, replace gen docketyear1="19" replace docketyear1="20" if docketyear2copy<30 order docketyear1 docketyear2, after(docket) gen docketyr=docketyear1+docketyear2 order docketyr, after(docket) destring docketyr, replace drop docketyear1 docketyear2 docketyear2copy label var docketyr "Docket year stored numerically; from first 2 digits of 'docket'" /* File day variable */ gen filedy=day(filedate) order filedy, after(filedate) label var filedy "Day of month case was filed, from 'filedate'" /* File month variable */ gen filemo=month(filedate) order filemo, after(filedy) label var filemo "Month in which case was filed, from 'filedate'" /* File year variable */ gen fileyr=year(filedate) order fileyr, after(filemo) label var fileyr "Year in which case was filed, from 'filedate'" /* Final disposition variable */ gen final=1 replace final=0 if disp87==0 | disp87==1 | disp87==10 | disp87==18 | disp87==21 /// | disp79==0 | disp79==1 | disp79==11 | disp70==1 | disp70==5 | tapeyear==2099 label var final "Dichotomous variable: whether coded disposition is final; from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define finallabel 0 "Not a final outcome (0)" 1 "Final outcome (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values final finallabel /* Judgment recoded variable */ gen judgefor=. replace judgefor=judgment replace judgefor=5 if judgment==-8 | judgment==0 replace judgefor=. if judgment==-9 order judgefor, after(judgment) label var judgefor "Party receiving favor of judgment if case disposed by judgment; from 'judgment'" #delimit ; label define judgeforlabel 1 "Plaintiff (1)" 2 "Defendant (2)" 3 "Both (3)" 4 "Unknown (4)" 5 "Missing (5)", replace; #delimit cr label values judgefor judgeforlabel order jforsum, after(judgefor) /* Jurisdiction summary recode variable */ gen jurisum=(juris==1 | juris==2) replace jurisum=-8 if juris==-8 order jurisum, after(juris) label var jurisum "Jurisdiction summary recode; made with 'juris'" #delimit ; label define jurisumlabel 0 "Non-federal parties (0)" 1 "Federal defendant or plaintiff (1)" -8 "Missing (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values jurisum jurisumlabel /* Nature of suit summary recode variables */ gen nos_prisoner=(nos==550 | nos==555) label var nos_prisoner "Prisoner nature of suit summary recode; from 'nos'" #delimit ; label define nosprislabel 0 "Not a prisoner civil rights case (0)" 1 "Prisoner civil rights case (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values nos_prisoner nosprislabel /* Origin recode variable */ gen origin2=(origin==3 | origin ==4 | origin ==5 | origin ==6 | origin ==8 /// | origin ==9 | origin ==10 | origin ==11 | origin ==12) order origin2, after(origin) label var origin2 "Case origin summary recode; made with 'origin'" #delimit ; label define origin2label 0 "Initial appearance or unknown (0)" 1 "Subsequent appearance (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values origin2 origin2label /* Special second outcome recode variable (outc2) */ gen outc2=(noj!=3 & noj!=4 & jforsum==1 & amtrec==0 & (disp87==4 | disp87==6 /// | disp87==7 | disp87==8 | disp87==9 | disp87==14 | disp87==15 | disp87==16 /// | disp87==17 | disp87==19 | disp87==20)) label var outc2 "Special variable: cases where plt is victor but award=0 & judgmt not injunction" /* Pending variable */ gen pending=tapeyear==2099 label var pending "Case pending as of IDB update date; from 'tapeyear'" #delimit ; label define pendinglabel 0 "Terminated (0)" 1 "Pending (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values pending pendinglabel /* Procedural progress summary recode variable */ gen proc_sum=. replace proc_sum=1 if procprog87==1 | procprog87==2 | procprog87==11 /// | procprog87==12 replace proc_sum=2 if procprog87==3 | procprog87==4 | procprog87==5 /// | procprog87==6 | procprog87==7 | procprog87==8 | procprog87==9 /// | procprog87==10 | procprog87==13 label var proc_sum "Procedural progress summary variable; from 'procprog87'" #delimit ; label define procsumlabel 1 "Before issue joined (1)" 2 "After issue joined (2)", replace; #delimit cr label values proc_sum procsumlabel /* Pro se plaintiff variable */ gen prose_pl=. replace prose_pl=0 if prose==0 | prose==2 replace prose_pl=1 if prose==1 | prose==3 replace prose_pl=-8 if prose==-8 label var prose_pl "Whether pro se plaintiffs in case; from 'prose'" #delimit ; label define prosepllabel 0 "No pro se plaintiffs (0)" 1 "Pro se plaintiffs (1)" -8 "Missing(1996- ) (-8)", replace; #delimit cr label values prose_pl prosepllabel /* Pilot Districts for 1986 survey */ gen pilot=0 replace pilot=1 if (tapeyear==1986 & district=="13" /// /* Pennsylvania - Eastern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="39" /// /* Texas - Northern */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="3A" /// /* Florida - Middle */ | tapeyear==1986 & district=="66") /* Missouri - Middle */ label var pilot "Dichotomous var. denoting cases involved in 1986 pilot for statistical reporting" /* Census region in which case was filed */ gen region=1 if state==7 | state==20 | state==22 | state==30 | state==40 | state==46 replace region=2 if state==31 | state==33 | state==39 replace region=3 if state==8 | state==9 | state==10 | state==11 | state==21 /// | state==34 | state==41 | state==47 | state==49 replace region=4 if state==15 | state==14 | state==23 | state==36 | state==50 replace region=5 if state==16 | state==28 | state==17 | state==35 | state==24 /// | state==42 | state==26 replace region=6 if state==1 | state==18 | state==25 | state==43 replace region=7 if state==4 | state==19 | state==37 | state==44 replace region=8 if state==3 | state==6 | state==13 | state==32 | state==27 /// | state==45 | state==29 | state==51 replace region=9 if state==2 | state==5 | state==12 | state==38 | state==48 replace region=10 if state==52 label var region "Census region in which case was filed; from 'state'" #delimit ; label define regionlabel 1 "New England (1)" 2 "Mid-Atlantic (2)" 3 "South Atlantic (3)" 4 "East North Central (4)" 5 "West North Central (5)" 6 "East South Central (6)" 7 "West South Central (7)" 8 "Mountain (8)" 9 "Pacific (9)" 10 "Territories (PR, VI, CZ, Guam, NMI) (10)", replace; #delimit cr label values region regionlabel /* Termination day variable */ gen termdy=day(termdate) order termdy, after(termdate) label var termdy "Day of month case was terminated, from 'termdate'" /* Termination month variable */ gen termmo=month(termdate) order termmo, after(termdy) label var termmo "Month in which case was terminated, from 'termdate'" /* Termination year variable */ gen termyr=year(termdate) order termyr, after(termmo) label var termyr "Year in which case was terminated, from 'termdate'" /* Trial summary variable */ gen trialsum=0 replace trialsum=1 if (jforsum==1 | jforsum==2 | jforsum==4) & (disp79==7 /// | disp79==8 | disp87==7 | disp87==8) replace trialsum=2 if (jforsum==1 | jforsum==2 | jforsum==4) & (disp79==9 /// | disp87==9 | disp87==16) replace trialsum=. if tapeyear<1979 | tapeyear==2099 label var trialsum "Trial summary variable; from 'disp'" #delimit ; label define trialsumlabel 0 "No Trial (0)" 1 "Jury Trial (1)" 2 "Bench Trial (2)", replace; #delimit cr label values trialsum trialsumlabel /* Original version of trial summary variable: */ gen trialsum_orig=0 replace trialsum_orig=1 if procprog76==6 | procprog76==7 | procprog76==8 /// | procprog76==9 | procprog87==6 | procprog87==7 | procprog87==8 /// | procprog87==9 | disp79==7 | disp79==8 | disp79==9 | disp87==7 /// | disp87==8 | disp87==9 | disp87==16 replace trialsum_orig=. if tapeyear<1979 | tapeyear==2099 label var trialsum_orig "Original version of trial summary variable; from 'disp' & 'procprog'" #delimit ; label define trialsumoriglabel 0 "No Trial (0)" 1 "Trial (1)", replace; #delimit cr label values trialsum_orig trialsumoriglabel /* Trial outcomoe variable: */ gen trialout=. replace trialout=1 if outctot==8 | outctot==13 | outctot==14 replace trialout=2 if outctot==9 | outctot==11 | outctot==15 replace trialout=-9 if outctot==10 | outctot==12 | outctot==16 label var trialout "Trial outcome recode variable; from 'outctot'" #delimit ; label define trialoutlabel 1 "Defendant victory (1)" 2 "Plaintiff victory (2)" -9 "Unknown victory (-9)", replace; #delimit cr label values trialout trialoutlabel /* Case name variable with uniform formatting: */ gen v=" v. " replace v=" " if plt=="IN RE" replace v="" if !missing(casename) gen casename_all=plt+v+def drop v order casename_all, before(casename) replace casename_all=casename if !missing(casename) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V "," v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VS "," v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," COV "," CO v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"U S AV ","USA v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," V"," v. []",.) if /// substr(casename_all,-2,2)==" V" & !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," AAV"," AA v.",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"USAV","USA v.",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"USA V","USA v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"VU S A","v. USA",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ETALVS","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ETALV","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ET ALV","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ETAL V","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ET AL V","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"INCVS ","INC v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VVS "," v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VVV "," v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VV "," v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"VV "," v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VV"," v. V",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VUS"," v. US",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VDEPT"," v. DEPT",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VSTATE"," v. STATE",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VCITY"," v. CITY",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VCOUNTY"," v. COUNTY",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"INCV ","INC v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"USAAV ","USAA v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /* Consonants surrounding "V" -- Excluding "Y": */ replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"BV ","B v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"CV ","C v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"DV ","D v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"FV ","F v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"GV ","G v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"HV ","H v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"JV ","J v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"LV ","L v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & !regexm(casename_all, " LV ") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"MV ","M v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"NV ","N v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & !regexm(casename_all, " NV ") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"PV ","P v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"QV ","Q v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"RV ","R v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"SV ","S v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"TV ","T v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"WV ","W v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & !regexm(casename_all, " WV ") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"XV ","X v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ZV ","Z v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VB"," v. B",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VC"," v. C",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VD"," v. D",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VF"," v. F",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VG"," v. G",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VH"," v. H",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VJ"," v. J",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VK"," v. K",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VL"," v. L",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VM"," v. M",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VN"," v. N",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VP"," v. P",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VQ"," v. Q",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VR"," v. R",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VS"," v. S",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VT"," v. T",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & !regexm(casename_all, " VT ") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VW"," v. W",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VX"," v. X",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," VZ"," v. Z",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ETAL ","ETAL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & substr(casename_all,-1,1)!=" " replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"ET AL ","ET AL v. ",.) if !regexm(casename_all, ".v") /// & substr(casename_all,-1,1)!=" " replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"v. ","v. ",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all," v."," v.",.) replace casename_all=subinstr(casename_all,"-8","[]",.) label var casename_all "Litigant names for all tape years; made with 'casename', 'plt', & 'def'" /*Dummy variable denoting every case with a plaintiff named "Maisano" in aim to exclude all cases filed by Dale Maisano */ gen maisano=0 replace maisano=1 if regexm(plt, "MAISANO") & fileyr>=2009 label var maisano "Dichotomous var: 1 if 'plt' is 'MAISANO' & 'fileyr'>=2009; 0 otherwise" /* To add county labels to the IDB, please see code for Part 1b. */ format distnum origin juris %30.0g format state %20.0g format nos resplain70 resdef70 resplain77 resdef77 resplain85 /// resdef85 classact disp70 disp79 disp87 disp05 procprog70 procprog76 /// procprog87 noj70 noj79 noj87 judgment magisinv otherinv jury_num outctot %35.0g order _all, alphabetic order circuit distnum state office docket origin juris tapeyear nos nossum casename_all, first sort tapeyear termdate distnum cd "$project" save "FJC Civil Cases 1970-31Dec2020.dta", replace ********************************************************************************